Monday, May 5, 2014

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Last Day!!

1. Chandler B photo presentation

2. End of Year Feedback Form

3. Blog Read-Around

  • Read each person's movie review and one other writing piece
  • Comment on both. Comments should be specific and constructive!! Focus on the strengths of each piece and any questions you might have for the writer. 
4. Debrief- senior projects and what's next?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Workshop Day

1. Review Criteria for Blog Portfolio

2. Peer Review Senior Movie Review

3. Work on Revisions and Introductions

HW: Blog Due Next Class

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pixar Shorts

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Vox Pop Presentations and Movie Review Intro

1. Turn in Vox Pops via Ebackpack

2. Listen to Vox Pops and complete voting- winners will be announced on Thursday

3.  Blog Post:
  • If you are thinking about seeing a particular movie, would you consult a movie review for a recommendation? Why or why not?
  • What types of useful information can a movie review offer you? List as many as you can.
  • How often do you think young people consult movie reviews before watching a movie?
  • What aspects about movie reviews make them a positive or negative influence on your decision to watch the movie?

Bring Ear Buds for Next Class- we will be doing a movie review activity in class that will be due at the end of the period. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

College Crossroads and Vox Pops Listening

1. Sydney Opening Moment

2. Blog posting:  It’s April, and that means colleges and universities are notifying high school seniors across the nation about whether they were accepted, rejected or wait-listed.
How involved are you in the college process right now? What messages have you gotten from your parents, teachers and others about the importance of getting into the right school? What do you believe?
What kind of college do you think will be the best fit for you? Why?
In “Our Crazy College Crossroads,” the Op-Ed columnist Frank Bruni writes about this question. Read the article and then answer three of the following questions on your blog:
— What is your reaction to Mr. Bruni’s idea that where you go to college matters less than “the effort you put into your studies, the earnestness with which you hone your skills, what you actually learn”?
— If you’re a student who is finished with the college process, what advice would you give high school juniors?
— What is your idea of what the perfect college for you might be? Why?
— How much pressure do you feel, whether from parents, teachers, the media or your friends, to get into a selective college? How do you handle that pressure?
— In the end, how much do you think it matters where you go to college? Why?

3. Listen to vox pops
4. Begin individual vox pops- due Tuesday

Monday, April 7, 2014

Vox Pop Editing

Opening Moment: Kyle

Directions for Vox Pops:

1. Create your  audio story in Garageband.

Create a new project. Name it.

Make your recordings directly in Garageband.  Choose a voice track with no effects and start recording the responses to your question.

It is easiest to put the responses in different tracks  but you can also build it in one track and split the clips when you are done so that you can move them around.

Be mindful of not saying the question each time (perhaps write it down for people to read instead )  as that will require less editing Try to minimize background noise.

Adjust the sound levels on each clip so there are no abrupt changes.

Build the piece in order from left to right. It's easiest to build it in a blank track above or below the others.  Put the responses in the order that will most effectively make your point.

Add music in a separate track

Name the song in Garagband

Export to iTunes

Import to iMovie- you will need to ad an image before you do this.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Vox Pops Intro

1. Opening moment: Cody

  1. Come up with a compelling question.
  2. Ask a variety of people (different ages, different genders) to answer the question.
  3. Upload your audio notes to GarageBand.
  4. Divide them up in a way that helps you make your point.
  5. Add an introduction - music - sound effects and a conclusion in iMovie.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Should Businesses Use Your SAT Scores?

1.Ben Opening Moment

2.  Blog Activity: Read the article How Businesses Use Your SATs.  Read the article given and then respond to THREE of the questions on your blog.  Visit TWO of your peers and respond to their answers.
    • — Do you think SAT scores could be a good indicator of future career success? Why or why not?
    • — If you were on a hiring committee at a workplace, would you consider SAT scores as part of an applicant’s materials?
    • — If so, how much emphasis would you put on the scores?
    • — Should there be an expiration date on the scores’ being considered as part of
    • a prospective employee’s application? If so, what should it be?
    • — What if a job applicant did not take the SAT? Do you think some employers would penalize that person? How should this situation best be handled, in your opinion?
3. Story time! 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Saturday, March 22, 2014

How Concerned Are You About Climate Change?

1. Opening Moments: Chanler and Michael will go next class.

2. Be sure your reflection from last class's discussion is in your Journalism Folder!

3. Read the article  “Scientists Sound Alarm on Climate,”and answer three of the following questions on your blog. We will wait until next class to comment and discuss.

— How much have you learned about climate change in school? What do you believe about it?
— How compelling do you find this most recent report to be?
— How much does the topic concern you in general? Why?
— What do you know about both the short-term and long-term consequences of climate change?
— What do you think scientists like these can do to “cut through public confusion” about global warming?
— What steps can individuals take to help reduce the effects of climate change worldwide?
— What do you think schools could be doing?

4. . Spend the remainder of the class period today researching and developing interview questions for your next editorial. If you don’t have a topic yet for your editorial, review the partner brainstorming document we did a few weeks ago as well as the thumbnail editorial activity you posted to your blog. Also, look back at some of the topics we have been blogging about- do any of these interests you?

Here are the requirements:
  • A topic of your choice that you have a clear and arguable position on
  • Facts to support your position
  • Address the opposing argument and provide facts to challenge it
  • A call to action
  • 2 sources- could be interview sources or online

Come to class on Wednesday with your research and interviews completed. We will be working on rough drafts in class.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Opinion Forum

1. Spencer Opening Moment

2. Opinion Forum
Essential Question:  Should the SAT be overhauled in the interests of creating a better, more fair test, or is it accurate the way it is?

1. Come to class on Wednesday with the below response questions answered. This will be worth a HW grade.
2. We will spend a maximum of five minutes on each question. After each question, you will have 1-2 minutes to write down any thoughts you need to for your written reflection, due next class.
3. I will ask for volunteers to read each question to the class.

EVERYONE is expected to speak during the seminar. Your goal should be to make at least one of each type of comment:

  • Analysis
    • Think deeply about the text and discuss the original conclusions you come to.  Mention ideas you come up with pertaining to issues in the text, or add your original thoughts to an issue someone else has brought up.
  • Text
    • Reference specific examples from the text that either support or disprove a claim being discussed.  
  • Reference
    • Evaluate what others say and then either challenge or build off them.  Show that you are listening to your peers.
  • Connection
    • Apply the concept in question to areas outside of the text area.  How is the idea in question proven or disproven in your world?

3. Reflection- due next class

  • What’s the one thing you wish there’d been time for you to tell the rest of the class?
  • What did you learn from this discussion?
  • What was the best thing you heard today?
  • How has your thinking changed/deepened/improved as a result of this discussion?
  • How do you think you participated in this Opinion Forum? How could you have participated better/more efficiently?

HW: Reflection and topic selection for Editorial #2. Think locally: what issues affect you, the school or the community?

Monday, March 17, 2014

Revise/Post Articles and Opinion Forum Prep

1. Niko Opening Moment

2. Check out my comments on your Editorial Article- revise, add sources, and post your articles to the NYT contest website.

3. Begin working on response sheet for our SAT Opinion Forum next class
Rubric for Opinion Forum

HW: Response Sheet

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Should Colleges Ban Fraternities?

1. Sommer Opening Moment
2. Should Colleges Ban Fraternities?
Read the following NYT article and answer three of the below questions on your blog:
— Do you want to join a fraternity or sorority? Why or why not?
— What do you think fraternities could do to police themselves? Is what Sigma Alpha Epsilon doing enough?
— What do you think of the argument the student in this excerpt makes — that rituals like pledging build the most committed members of the organization? What are some of the positive things fraternities do?
— What do you think would be lost if there were no fraternities on college campuses? What might be gained? Would banning fraternities substantially lessen problems like sexual violence and alcohol-fueled injuries and deaths on college campuses or not?
— How should colleges respond to bad behavior by fraternity brothers? Do you think they should ban fraternities entirely? In 2011, the Room for Debate blog asked that question and several experts answered. With whom do you most agree?
3. Editorial Finishing Touches
Do you have a title?
Are paragraphs short? 
Do you have any unnecessary words/details that could be omitted?
Read aloud to a partner to see if you can catch any mistakes!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Editorial Breakdown- What goes into writing and editorial?

1. Cam Opening Moment

2. Read the opinion article We Need More Tests, Not Fewer. Each group will be responsible for keeping track of a different element of the editorial- please do this as a comment on today's blog posting!

Group 1 (Adam, Cam, Sommer) : Background information

Group 2 (Niko, Spencer, Chanler): Author's opinion and facts to support it

Group 3 (Michael, Paul, Ben): Opposing Argument and facts to challenge it

Group 4 (Cody, Kyle, Sydney, Chanler B): Call to action

3. Editorial Revision

Friday, March 7, 2014

Writing Day

1. Adam Opening Moment

2. Review Editorial Rubric

3. Work Period: Rough Drafts OR Senior Project Proposal

HW: Rough Draft due Tuesday

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Analyzing Editorials

1. Chandler B Opening Moment

2. Thumbnail Editorials

3. Analyzing Editorials: Choose one of the following NYT opinion pieces and complete the analysis sheet:

The NFL Begins to Wake Up

Driving Down Childhood Obesity

The Case for a Higher Minimum Wage

4. Report Out: Topics
Find two sources for next class: remember, one MUST be a NYT Article!

HW: Email me your topic and links to your two sources BEFORE next class.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Editorial Brainstorming

1. Finish Shattered Glass and Viewers Guide

2. NYT Editorial Clip and Contest

3. Partner Brainstorming Activity

4. Thumbnail Editorials (if time)

HW: Select editorial topic for next class:

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcome Back! Editorials and Shattering Glass

Welcome back from your extra long vacation!

Opening Moment: Cody and Kyle

Now that you have two feature articles under your belt, it's time to explore writing editorials as well.  What makes an editorial different from a feature???  You can finally have an opinion...and be biased!  How exciting!

1. How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Own Fate?
Read the excerpt from the following NYT Opinion Piece and answer the questions on your blog.

In “Your Ancestors, Your Fate,” Gregory Clark makes the case that our lineage has more influence on our life’s trajectory than we might think — or be comfortable with:
Inequality of income and wealth has risen in America since the 1970s, yet a large-scale research study recently found that social mobility hadn’t changed much during that time. How can that be?
The study, by researchers at Harvard and Berkeley, tells only part of the story. It may be true that mobility hasn’t slowed — but, more to the point, mobility has always been slow.
When you look across centuries, and at social status broadly measured — not just income and wealth, but also occupation, education and longevity — social mobility is much slower than many of us believe, or want to believe. This is true in Sweden, a social welfare state; England, where industrial capitalism was born; the United States, one of the most heterogeneous societies in history; and India, a fairly new democracy hobbled by the legacy of caste. Capitalism has not led to pervasive, rapid mobility. Nor have democratization, mass public education, the decline of nepotism, redistributive taxation, the emancipation of women, or even, as in China, socialist revolution.
To a striking extent, your overall life chances can be predicted not just from your parents’ status but also from your great-great-great-grandparents’. The recent study suggests that 10 percent of variation in income can be predicted based on your parents’ earnings. In contrast, my colleagues and I estimate that 50 to 60 percent of variation in overall status is determined by your lineage. The fortunes of high-status families inexorably fall, and those of low-status families rise, toward the average — what social scientists call “regression to the mean” — but the process can take 10 to 15 generations (300 to 450 years), much longer than most social scientists have estimated in the past.

— How much control do you think you have over your fate?
— Do you feel your fate is already predetermined by your lineage — your parents and ancestors? Or do you feel you are in the driver’s seat in determining your own success?
— Do you think you will be better or worse off than your parents? In what ways? Why?
— The author makes the argument that “the compulsion to strive, the talent to prosper and the ability to overcome failure are strongly inherited.” Do you think you inherited these qualities? Or do you think you had to develop them on your own?
2. As a way of segueing into editorials, we will also be viewing the film "Shattered Glass"--a real life account of Stephen Glass.

Remember: the lip dub is this Wednesday!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Small groups: share Valentine's Day Articles

Pulitzer Prize Winning Editorials:
Step 1:  Opening Activity: What is a Pulitzer Prize? With your group, read the link, and come up with a 1-2 sentence working definition.

Step 2: In your groups discuss the following questions.  You should record your answers on your individual blog.
  1. Who was the writer/writers and for which publication?
  2. What was the PURPOSE of their editorials? (See "citation" tab)
  3. After reading a few of the articles, describe what types of resources they used and approximately how many in any given editorial.
  4. Did you detect any bias? Explain.  Cite specific passages.
  5. How does the format, tone, and length of an editorial differ from a feature article?
Step 3: In your new group (as assigned by teacher), report out on your findings (questions 1-5) to your new group members.  Each group member should take notes on the "expert" for the given editorial.  Record answers to the questions on your blog.

Monday, February 10, 2014

How Creative Are You?

1. Paul Opening Moment

2. How Creative Are You?

Many universities are focusing more on teaching creative problem solving.  Read the article "Learning to Think Outside the Box" and discuss this question on your blog:

WHAT is your opinion: Is everyone creative, and can everyone learn to be more so? WHY or WHY not?

Now, read the short article "A Creative Class Assignment" showing students' creative problem solving skills,  and answer the following questions on your blog:

.–What problems on these students’ lists also annoy you?
–What problems at your school or in your home or neighborhood can you identify?
–How could you solve at least one of them?
–Do you wish you could take a class in creative studies? Why or why not?

3. Share and give feedback on Valentine's Day articles

4. Revise- HW final drafts due next class

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Senior Project Info and Punctuating Quotes

1. Michael Opening Moment

2. Senior Projects

3. Punctuating Quotes Correctly

4. Rough drafts of Valentine's Day Article- due next class!

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Art of Interviewing- ESPN style

1. Chanler H: Opening Moment

2. Listen to "The Art of the Interview" from NPR's All Things Considered, and then answer the following questions on your blog:

What are Sawatzki's rules of interviewing?
What are things not to do when interviewing?
What troubles or challenges have you encountered when conducting interviews?
What can you do in future interviews to elicit more detailed and informative responses?

3. Press Conference Activity:
Come up with 5 questions in partners- with follow-ups!

4. Feature elements breakdown
Choose three of the articles from the following link and fill out the elements breakdown chart.

HW: Choose at least two people to interview for your Valentine's Day article. Create the questions and conduct the interviews by next class.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Who Does Hip-Hop Belong To?

  • Who does hip-hop belong to?
  • Are white artists who prosper in hip-hop robbing from black musicians? Or is music fair game for all true fans?
  • Is the history of white privilege — think of Elvis Presley and the birth of rock ’n’ roll in the 1950s — continuing with Macklemore’s Grammy Award for best rap album?
  • Should Macklemore be apologizing? Is his apology sincere? Is it appropriate?
  • Can rap music ever transcend race and class? Or is it too indelibly tied to black urban culture?
3. Brainstorm Valentine's Day Feature Article

HW: Feature Article Organizer

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Homework Assignment Uno: Revisit Features

Revise your feature article focusing on the above criteria we discussed in class. Write a note at the top of the revision that explains what you changed and why. 
Google docs: Create a new folder in your Journalism folder called "Quarter 3"- this assignment should be in this newly created folder by next class. Good luck! 

Welcome to Journalism 2! Get ready to write!

Get ready to LIP DUB!  Check out some of the best:

Backwards lip dub: Shorewood High School (California)

Look at two feature articles written for Ms. Peterson's class:
  • Inside Look at Yearbook (before and after editing)
  • Deck the Halls (before editing...discuss with partner what you might do to improve)

Activity---> You don't know WHAT the activity is yet; but these are the ground rules:


1. Ask as many questions as you can.

2. Do not stop to discuss, judge, or answer any question.

3. Write down every question exactly as it is stated. (Don’t worry about spelling)

4. Change any statement into a question.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Blog Read-Around!!

1. Sommer Opening Moment

2. Read and comment on blogs-

  • Read the two articles and reflection
  • Comment on strengths of piece
  • Questions/comments for writer

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Blog Maintenance Day

1. Cam Opening Moment

2. ICB Quiz

3. Blog Assignment review and work time

HW: Blogs due next class

Monday, January 13, 2014

Feature Article Feedback

1. Adam Opening Moment

2. ICB 279-302

3. Feature Article Peer Feedback

4. Feature Article Final Draft- due next class

HW: Read to page 325 and Feature Final Draft

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Feature Writing

1. Chandler B Opening Moment
2. Review Blog Requirements
3. ICB Trivia- new partners!
4. Feature Rough Drafts

HW: Read to page 302 and have rough drafts completed for next time

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Back!

1. Opening Moment: Check Schedule

2. Feature Articles- Interviews due by next class

3. Mid-Year Info

4. Love Letters on blogs

5. ICB Movie

HW: Read to page 271 and Interviews